wika Capsule pressure gauge Test gauge class 0.1 and 0.25 wika Model 612.11
■■ For gaseous, dry, clean and non-aggressive media
■■ Precision measurement in laboratories
■■ Highest-accuracy pressure measurement
■■ Testing and calibration of industrial type pressure gauges
Special features
■■ Knife edge pointer and dial with mirror band scale for optimal accuracy of reading
■■ Precise movement with wear parts of argentan
■■ Particularly easy-to-read scale due to nominal size 250
■■ Front access to the zero adjustment
■■ Scale ranges from 0 … 6 mbar
Following EN 837-3, with measuring cell underneath
the case, class 0.1 instruments with transport case and
acceptance test certificate (individual listing of the calibration
Nominal size in mm
Accuracy class
0.1 and 0.25
Scale ranges
Class 0.1: 0 ... 25 to 0 ... 400 mbar
Class 0.25: 0 ... 6 to 0 ... 400 mbar
or all other equivalent vacuum or combined pressure and
vacuum ranges
Adjustment medium
Pressure limitation
Steady: Full scale value
Fluctuating: 0.9 x full scale value
Permissible temperature
Ambient: -20 … +60 °C
Medium: +60 °C maximum
Temperature effect
The indicated class accuracy applies to a room temperature
of +20 °C.
Temperature-related zero offsets can be corrected by means
of the zero adjustment.
Ingress protection
IP 54 per EN 60529 / lEC 529